

SysAdmin & Developer

About Me

It's funny how I started off with a hobby C# Project in Unity3D, Then I started to learn some basic frontend followed up with backend development, Next thing I know I'm running full blown servers and fully self taught the whole way.
Now I'm a hobbyist SysAdmin and Developer working on my own projects and finally using Linux and since then I've been learning more and more about the system and how it works.
This gives me a native advantage with my work as I know that what I'm writing for will work on my servers without having to test it in another environment, now I develop small bash scripts and projects to make my system my own unique experience, and having the freedom to do so is a blessing.

Basic Start with C#
Started here when I began with Unity3D and Utility Scripts
Entered the world of Web
Finally started to write HTML and CSS code at a very basic level
Exploding with the TBASDX
My most popular project publicly, Now deprecated and no longer in use
Fullstack Development Begins
Started playing with web frameworks, evolving ever since
Moved to Linux
Furthered my knowledge and now I'm a hobbyist SysAdmin and Developer
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